Student Services

Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students is committed to helping all students at Mount Mercy University reach their fullest potential in and out of the classroom. MMU's Dean of Students oversees the Student Services department and coordinates individualized support for students by providing a variety of student support services along with opportunities to reflect, engage, serve and live a life of purpose on and off-campus. 

The Dean of Students oversees the conduct process, supports the Title IX process, and all departments found on this page. The Dean of Students Office is located in the Student Services suite on the second floor of the University Center.


The CARE team is Mount Mercy's behavioral intervention team. CARE stands for Campus Assessment Resource and Education. Living, learning, and working at Mount Mercy can be stressful and sometimes the reason behind someone who is disruptive, threatening or irrational. The CARE team provides assistance to the University community to help assess and find solutions for managing distressing, disturbing, or disruptive, and dangerous behaviors. Mount Mercy is committed to providing a quality learning environment. Faculty, staff, friends and family will often be the first to encounter a person who is in distress. Encouraging and helping the student to seek assistance with the appropriate campus and community resources is important. 

Possible topics of concern for your friend, classmate, teammate or colleague:

  • Abusive relationships
  • Aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Bias/Hate Crimes
  • Bullying
  • Demanding behaviors
  • Depressions
  • Disruptive behaviors
  • Discrimination
  • Disordered eating
  • Grief
  • Harassment
  • Hazing
  • Domestic/Dating violence
  • Learning disabilities
  • Self Harm (example: cutting)
  • Sexual assault
  • Substance abuse
  • Suicide

If you are concerned about someone, consider submitting a CARE report. Ask yourself:

  • Is this person's behavior distressingly out of the ordinary?
  • Is this beyond my skill level?
  • Is the behavior getting worse?
  • Does the behavior place anyone at risk?
  • Have I attempted to intervene with little success?

If you answered yes to any of these questions submit a CARE report and the CARE Team will work to provide support and assistance to the person in need!

Career Services

Contact the Director of Career Services at ext. 1620 for personal coaching and access to tools and resources that support your professional growth. From identifying how your natural aptitudes align with different majors and careers and creating resumes, cover letters, Handshake, and LinkedIn profiles to preparing for interviews and helping with graduate school applications—Career Services is available to you throughout the internship and job search process as well as to Mount Mercy alumni.

Handshake, known as the #1 way for college students to find jobs and internships, is an online career service and job search tool available to all students and alumni. To log in, go to and access local and national internship and job opportunities as well as personalized job recommendations based on your skills, majors, and interests.

Career Services is located in the Student Services suite of the Sisters of Mercy University Center. Make an appointment or drop-in to discuss what’s next in your professional journey. 

Counseling Services

Counseling Services provides confidential counseling to enrolled students. Counseling Services are intended to be short-term and solution-focused in nature. Students and Counseling Services staff will work together to establish appropriate goals. The Counseling Services office is located in the University Center, UC 210, just across from the McAuley elevator. The Director of Counseling Services’ Office is located in the Student Services suite on the upper level of the University Center. A licensed counselor or graduate intern assists students in setting/attaining goals and problem solving, and provides support and encouragement to students. Students utilize the service for assistance with a variety of personal and interpersonal issues*, such as stress management; interpersonal conflict; depression/anxiety; building healthy relationships; assertiveness and self-worth; homesickness; dating or marital relationship issues; sexuality; indecision about future/career; general mental wellbeing; and more.  Since the services provided are short-term in nature, the provider will also facilitate referrals when necessary. Counseling Services also works with a variety of community partners and occasionally have additional resources available to students. To make an appointment or for more information about our community partners, visit the MMU Counseling Services website.  

*MMU Counseling Services does not prescribe or manage medications. 

Event Services

Event Services is the centralized event planning office for Mount Mercy University. We coordinate the scheduling of all university facilities for university & student events, meetings, conferences and public functions. We partner with the campus community and public to create the highest quality events that promote University initiatives. Our dedicated team collaborates with various campus departments and offices to assist and advise on event planning, logistical coordination, facility layout, implementation and audio/visual support. For more information on how to start planning your event, go to: Event Services (


Mount Mercy recognizes the importance of promoting sanctioned campus events and activities in fostering an involved and informed campus community. At the same time, Mount Mercy recognizes that an attractive and well maintained physical campus environment is essential to the overall advancement of the institution. Therefore, it is necessary that printed posters, fliers, banners, signs, notices and other displays appearing throughout camps will be posted or displayed in a manner that does not detract from the physical appearance of the campus or result in damage to building surfaces. 

All types of notices – posters, fliers, banners, signs, sidewalk chalking, window writing, or any other form of promotion of an activity on or off campus – must conform to the regulations noted below. Mount Mercy reserves the right to refuse requests for posting of information by any group or individual and may remove any materials at any time. All postings must be consistent with the mission, policies and procedures of Mount Mercy.

  1. All posters, fliers, banners, signs, and other materials (notices) for posting or display must be approved, individually stamped, and posted by Event Services, regardless of the individual, office or group originating the posting and regardless of the subject matter. The only exception shall be postings appearing on specifically designated department/office bulletin boards.
  2. All notices must be submitted to Event Services at least 3 business days prior to an event or requested posting date and include the following information:
    1. Event name
    2. Event location
    3. Date and time of event
    4. Sponsoring group or individual
  3. All notices must contain correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  4. Notices will not be posted on any surface that could be damaged or leave residue from adhesive or any other method used in posting: windows, doors, stair steps, hand railings, on elevators, vending machines, trees, water fountains, exterior building surfaces, vehicles, tunnel walls or painted walls/surfaces
  5. Unauthorized postings may result in an individual or group being billed for damages and labor for repairs
  6. Only official Mount Mercy notifications will be the exception to the posting locations
  7. Persons submitting material for posting should prepare 21 posters; 15 for Residence Life and 6 for Student Activity Boards
  8. Posted notices will be removed by Event Services after the event has taken place. Notices may be posted for a maximum of two (2) weeks prior to the event.
  9. Information on notices must be expressed clearly and, if in non-English, must also include English translation
  10. Notices of alcohol or drug-related events are prohibited
  11. Notices that include obscenities or slanderous material are prohibited
  12. A notice promoting an event that is unlawful or violates Mount Mercy regulations may not be posted
  13. Notices advertising off-campus housing are prohibited
  14. Mount Mercy is a private institution and not a public forum, thus reserves the right to limit and/or exclude notices regarding political candidates or statements. Such notices must adhere to the policies related to hosting political candidates/groups on campus.
  15. Use of any bulletin board or authorized space in any building on campus does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of any product, service or information by Mount Mercy
  16. A notice should not physically cover or block already posted materials
  17. Stickers, scotch tape, duct tape, double-sided tape, packing tape, and similar materials are prohibited for any type of posting as they damage or leave residue on surfaces. Tacks or staples may be used on bulletin boards and other like surfaces.
  18. Event Services will determine the appropriate method of securing notices

Groups or individuals who do not follow these policies may lose posting privileges. Any damages resulting from improper posting will result in repair costs. Any use of a fraudulent approval stamp will result in temporary loss of privileges and/or a fine.

Unusual or special displays falling outside of the above guidelines will need special approval from Event Services and must be displayed in an appropriate, safe and non-disruptive manner.

Health Services

Health Services at Mount Mercy supports the physical and psychological needs of students, faculty and staff on campus. A physician assistant is available to students, faculty, and staff to help with specific health needs and to assist in maintaining and improving your overall well-being.

Mount Mercy University Health Services is staffed by a licensed Physician Assistant (PA) who is a provider contracted through Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids. Physician Assistants have a graduate degree, advanced education and clinical training. They are licensed to practice by the Iowa Board of Physician Assistants.

Mount Mercy University Health Services is a comprehensive outpatient clinic which can meet the most basic health needs of students. Health Services offers general acute health care services to the campus community. The services provided in Health Services are available to all Mount Mercy University students and faculty/staff. These include but are not limited to first aid and care of minor physical injuries, illness assessment, dental concerns, over the counter medications, covid testing, consultation and referral services. Medical problems that are beyond the scope of Health Services staff are referred to appropriate off campus facilities.

Office hours

Emergency care is provided by Health Services during regular hours:

11:00 AM-1:00 PM (hours subject to change)
Call 319-286-4439 to confirm hours 
Office: University Center 240F
Office email:

Medical Services can be obtained via appointment (view MercyCare Health at Mount Mercy for scheduling info) or walk in. Our care is provided by our contracted provider/physician assistant. During college holidays and breaks, our offices will be closed.

Need Emergency Care after hours or on the weekend? Contact:

  • Ambulance: 911 (if calling from campus phone, dial 9+911)
  • Public Safety: 319-363-1323 Ext 1234 (always contact Public Safety for emergencies)
  • Mercy Medical Center: 319-398-6041
  • Unity Point Hospital: 319-369-7105
  • Ask-a-Nurse: 1-800-593-1414

24/7 video visits are also available outside of office hours through MercyCare Health at Mount Mercy.

First aid kits and AED’s are maintained in all residence halls and other various locations. Please ask a Resident Assistant (RA) for assistance or call Public Safety at 319-363-1323 Ext 1234.

How We can help

Below is a comprehensive list of our supplies, provisions, forms, and external resources.

Note: If the student requires more specialized care requiring imaging studies, labs, point of care testing to include UA, strep, mono or flu the patient’s insurance is utilized. Patients must have a MyChart account to schedule a visit, which can be created at the MercyCare Health at Mount Mercy website. These visits will be billed to your personal health insurance.

Medications and Health Care Supplies

A limited selection of over the counter medications and supplies such as throat lozenges, antihistamines, cold medications, Tylenol, ibuprofen, antacids, ace bandages, ice packs and menstrual products are available in health services. These services are complimentary.

Provisions and Available Services

  • Health promotion
  • Assessment, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of minor illness/injury
  • Diagnosis of medical conditions
  • Diagnostic tests (strep, mono, covid, flu, STI screening, pregnancy, urinalysis, blood sugar screening)
  • Prescriptions for medications when appropriate
  • Initial evaluation for mental health conditions with referrals
  • Physical exams (pre-employment, athletic requirement or pre-nursing)
  • Reference materials on a variety of health topics
  • Medical referrals as necessary

Prescriptions, Labs, and Imaging Studies

Prescriptions will be sent to the student’s choice of pharmacy. Labs and/or imaging studies: will be obtained at a local lab, urgent care or hospital.

The costs for these prescriptions and studies will be the responsibility of the patient and billed to insurance. It is the responsibility of each student to carry some form of medical insurance. Many students are covered by family health insurance as long as they are in school. Students must check to be certain they have medical coverage and know the procedures for using their insurance.

Emergency Contacts, Immunizations, Health Insurance and Medical History Forms

Our confidentiality policy: All health records are maintained strictly confidential and securely filed. Information is released only when a student’s permission is given by written consent.

Emergency Contacts, Immunizations, Health Insurance and Medical History forms: incoming students are required to submit this information during the admissions process. Failure to provide this information will result in cancellation of your registration.

Night or weekend emergencies: Students should seek treatment at one of the local urgent care clinics or Emergency Departments. Public Safety Officers can be contacted after hours 319-363-1323 ext. 1234.

External Resources

Emergency Departments:

Urgent Care Clinics:

Project Connect

Project Connect is a free program that equips students from diverse backgrounds with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to achieve success at Mount Mercy. More information can be found on the MMU webpage titled Project Connect.

Residence Life

The mission of Residence Life is to enhance students’ academic success, personal development, and safety through the implementation of programs and services.


The Residence Life Team works together to provide an optimal residential experience for students. Their duties include supervising operations of the residence halls, suites, and apartments, providing programs for residents, promoting an educational environment, and helping resident students contribute to and enjoy their membership in the Mount Mercy community. Residence Life staff members live in on-campus housing and serve in an on-call rotation to be accessible in times of crisis.

Resident Assistants

Resident Assistants (RAs) live on each residence hall floor. They are students selected on the basis of leadership experience, scholarship, and desire to assist others. RAs work with students to make residential life an enriching and educational experience. They are specially trained and are knowledgeable in many areas, including crisis response, effective listening, community buildings, mediation, programming, and the policies and procedures of Mount Mercy and the Residence Life program. If they are unable to assist you, they will refer you to an appropriate resource.

Student staff members are available every day for general assistance, maintenance concerns, and emergencies. An RA is on-call each evening and may be contacted by phone. Mount Mercy also maintains an administrator on-call schedule to provide additional support to the on-campus student body, Resident Assistants, and Public Safety.

Housing, Nontraditional and Graduate Programs

Mount Mercy University is a residential institution. All full-time students are required to live in college-owned housing for a total of 6 semesters unless: married, are listed as independent on the FAFSA, have dependents, are of non-traditional age (21 years or older), or are commuting from their legal guardians' homes within 30 miles of main campus.

Graduate housing is offered on a space available basis. Priority is given to undergraduate students.  Please note that Mount Mercy does not allow cohabitation, nor do our facilities offer married student or family housing. If you have questions or are interested in graduate housing, please contact

Student Engagement

Student Organizations

The recognized student clubs and organizations of Mount Mercy University are governed and funded by the Student Government Association (SGA). All guidelines and rules pertaining to the functioning of clubs and organizations can be found on the SGA website (Student Government Association ( A complete list of clubs and organizations can also be found on the MMU website. Each recognized student group has a representative who attends and has a vote in the General Assembly of SGA.


Student Engagement works with all student organizations and collaborates with campus departments to provide a calendar full of impactful programs for all campus. Student Engagement works to plan, promote, and implement a vast array of opportunities for students to engage with the campus and Cedar Rapids Community. There are constantly events happening on campus that are designed to meet the diverse needs of our student body. Upcoming events are promoted through emails, social media, posters, and on the MMU app. Events can include anything from live music performed by students or professional performers, to inflatable obstacle courses! The sky is the limit when it comes to involvement. If there is something you want to see let us know! Email us at

Events to look forward to:

  • Welcome Back Bash
  • Hypnotists
  • Comedians
  • Mentalists
  • Homecoming
  • Craft Nights
  • Vegas Night
  • Senior Celebration