Student Governance and Communication

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) represents the Mount Mercy student body and serves as the umbrella organization for other campus recognized student organizations. It is the official voice of the student in Mount Mercy governance. Membership is open to all Mount Mercy undergraduate students, and SGA members serve on institution-wide committees and provide students’ viewpoints to faculty and staff. Officers are eager to hear from all students and to assist them in every way possible. The SGA office is located in the University Center and can be reached at

Recognized student clubs and organizations are overseen by SGA. For Mount Mercy policies pertaining to them, go to the SGA page on the Mount Mercy University website.

MMU Times Student News Media

The Mount Mercy Times is a key source of information about campus events and issues. A student staff is responsible for writing, editing, advertising, and business management of the online newspaper, available 24/7 at

The Times office is located in the Lower Busse Center. If you have ideas for a Times article, you can email the editor at The Times website features “Times TV” news reports, photo galleries and other multimedia content, including news stories, features and opinion articles. Any student at MMU, regardless of major, is eligible to join the staff of the Times. See the Times online at Mount Mercy Times – An Online Student News Organization.