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Search Results for "MA 380"

MA 380 Senior Seminar in Mathematics: 3 semester hours

This course is a capstone experience for students in technical majors such as Mathematics, Data Science and Actuarial Science. Students will devise a project with guidance from the instructor. Class activities may include reading scholarly and professional resources, giving regular presentations, working problems, understanding theorems, performing calculations, writing code, managing data, etc. Students may choose to use this course to organize studying for a professional exam. Students can expect to present regularly on their activities and write extensively on their results.

The mathematics major aims to give students insight into the nature of mathematics as an intellectual discipline and to develop the powers of clear and logical thinking, accuracy, flexibility in problem solving, and clarity and precision in expressing mathematical ideas. It further aims to prepare the prospective teacher, provide a sound basis for those students who plan to pursue graduate studies, and provide a background in computing for those students who wish to pursue opportunities in that field.