Safety and Security

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Public Safety 

Public Safety and Information Desk all fall under the umbrella of the Director of Public Safety. The purpose of the group is to provide students the safest environment possible to pursue their educational interests, while ensuring events are coordinated in an effective and efficient manner, supporting our Students First philosophy. 


The Mount Mercy University Department of Public Safety is operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to full-time staff members, Public Safety utilizes work-study students to assist in parking enforcement and during special events on campus. Mount Mercy operates an administrator-on-duty call system to ensure that administrative support and decision-making capacity is always available. All Public Safety staff members are trained in CPR/1st Aid/AED, emergency response, evacuation procedures and interpersonal skills.  More information about Public Safety can be found here.

Public Safety officers patrol all Mount Mercy University properties and parking areas. They perform security escorts, and provide support for on campus crisis/emergencies. The Department of Public Safety is responsible for coordinating all fire and tornado drills, works to ensure lighting is safe and appropriate, and we work with Health Services to ensure that campus first aid kits are stocked and maintained. The Department of Public Safety maintains and utilizes security cameras to ensure safety and security on campus.

The Department of Public Safety at Mount Mercy oversees the safekeeping of the campus and its properties. We strive for a high level of safety services to the campus community. The Department of Public Safety is located inside the University Center, UC115. In case of emergency, persons should call ext. 1234 from any campus phone, or 319-363-1323 ext. 1234 from any off-campus or cellular telephone. Public Safety can be reached directly at 319-360-4839.


The Information Desk serves as a hub of information to the campus community, conveniently located on the first floor of the University Center.  The information desk can provide information about events on campus and in the community.  Furthermore, the information desk has equipment and seasonal tools that are available for checkout. 

Run. Hide. Fight.

Mount Mercy University encourages the members of the Mount Mercy community to be aware of the Run. Hide. Fight. model.  This model is utilized by numerous institutions and agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security. The model is based on specific concepts regarding the expectations of a person who is confronted with an active threat/shooter.  The individual should run if they can safely do so.  If they cannot, the person should hide from the threat.  If unable to hide, the individual should prepare themselves to fight the assailant.  While the University hopes members of the community will never need to utilize this model, the University does want people to be prepared.  This model can be adapted to any threatening situation, including situations that occur off-campus.  Feel free to contact the Director of Public Safety for more information regarding this model or for additional training.

Clery Act / VAWA / Annual Security Report

As provided by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, students are entitled to request and receive a copy of the Annual Security Report of any campus. This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Mount Mercy; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault*, missing persons, drug and alcohol programs, and other matters. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting the Mount Mercy Public Safety Office in the University Center, 1330 Elmhurst Drive N.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402-4797 or by accessing the following website

*See the 2.q. Sexual Misconduct Policy located in Section 2: General Standards of Conduct in the Student Code of Conduct for more information regarding these policies.
* See also Title IX for more information.

According to the 2016 Clery Handbook, "The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) amended the Clery Act to disclose statistics, policies and programs related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking...the disclosure of procedures victims should follow if a crime of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking has occurred...and implementation and disclosure of procedures for institutional disciplinary action in cases of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking."


For information about MMU's weather policy please follow the link to the Weather and Closing Policies page on the Mount Mercy University website.

Security Escort Program

Public Safety personnel are available to accompany anyone to or from the parking areas or other on-campus locations. Please call 319-363-1323 ext.1234 or come to the Information Desk for this service.  This service is available to anyone 24 hours a day.

Courtesy Services

A battery booster, tools, and snow shovels are available at the Information Desk for student use. Students will be required to show their Mount Mercy ID to use these items. Public Safety Officers may accompany you and may provide direction while using the battery booster. Mount Mercy owned vehicles and employees of Mount Mercy are not permitted to aid persons in jump-starting, repairing, or moving vehicles.

Report a Crime

Importance of reporting

Crime prevention cannot take place without the assistance of the Mount Mercy University community. The prompt reporting of crimes and suspicious behavior as well as cooperating with authorities during the investigation of crimes or offenses is encouraged. Your cooperation can aid us in preventing others from being victimized. The Department of Public Safety will assist anyone in filing a report with law enforcement agencies whenever necessary.  If you have information about a crime you have witnessed or that has happened to you, and are unsure of how to proceed, please contact the Director of Public Safety or Dean of Students for support and assistance.

To report a crime or to file a complaint you please contact the Department of Public Safety. If you would prefer to submit an anonymous report you can do so through the Silent Witness Form.

Reporting Policies

In the event that you witness a crime or emergency, promptly contact local authorities as well as the Department of Public Safety. A Mount Mercy University Public Safety Officer can be contacted at by calling 319-363-1323 ext. 1234 at any time. Public Safety can be reached directly at 319-360-4839.


In the event of an emergency, the police should be contacted immediately. 911 telephone service is in effect for the Cedar Rapids metropolitan area. If dialing from a campus telephone, please dial 9-911. Mount Mercy is E911 capable and that means that when 911 is called from a campus phone it will automatically communicate to the 911 dispatch nearest your location for emergency response in the event you are unable to communicate with 911 operators.

Emergency medical care is provided at all hours at both Mercy Medical Center, 701 10th Street SE, 319-398-6041, and St. Luke’s Hospital, 1026 A Avenue NE, 319-369-7105.


When the fire alarm sounds occupants must leave buildings immediately. All are instructed to exit by the closest stairwell. To facilitate the quickest evacuation, students are encouraged to use all stairwells. Never use the elevator. In addition, each location will have a designated reporting zone. After exiting, go immediately to this designated spot and wait for further instructions from a Public Safety Officer or designated staff member or Cedar Rapids Fire Department representative. Individuals who tamper with fire equipment or who fail to evacuate when a fire alarm sounds are subject to disciplinary action and/or fines.

Missing Student Policy

If you believe that a student is missing, whether or not the individual resides on campus, contact any employee of the Department of Public Safety, Dean of Students, Residence Life staff or the Director of Public Safety. Once it is determined that reasonable cause for further action exists, all possible efforts will be made to locate the individual in order to ascertain their state of health and well-being.

In the case of an on-campus resident, each student has the option to register a confidential contact person to be notified in the case that the student is determined to be missing. Only authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers in furtherance of a missing person investigation may have access to this information. Regardless of the student preference in selecting a contact person, the Cedar Rapids Police Department or other appropriate law enforcement agency will be notified if the student is missing. As a matter of procedure in a missing person investigation, the Mount Mercy University Department of Public Safety will obtain identifying information on the missing student, and attempt to determine the student’s whereabouts through contact with friends, roommates, associates, and/ or employers of the student. Whether or not the student has been attending their normal daily activities will be established. A welfare check of the student’s room will be conducted in coordination with Residence Life personnel. All information will be shared with the appropriate law enforcement officials.

If the student reported missing is an off-campus resident, Mount Mercy University Department of Public Safety will contact the Cedar Rapids Police Department or the appropriate law enforcement agency and institute similar procedures as an on-campus resident. It is also the policy of Mount Mercy University that any student less than 18 years of age and not emancipated, will have their parent or guardian notified of their status as a missing person.

If the individual is located, campus officials will:

  • Explain the concerns which led to the actions listed above
  • Attempt to ascertain the student’s welfare with regard to mental/emotional/physical health
  • Work with the individual to arrange for any necessary resources
  • Work with the individual to allay the concerns of the person(s) filing the initial report within the boundaries of FERPA
  • Contact the Department of Public Safety and any appropriate law enforcement agency when the student is located 

Personal Safety Devices

The only approved personal safety devices recognized by Residence Life and Public Safety are pepper spray and mace. Students who own and/or carry personal safety devices should know how to use them properly and it should stay in their possession only. These devices should only be used when needed for protection and according to manufacturer’s instructions. Inappropriate discharge or failure to use the device according to manufacturer’s instructions will result in a referral to the student conduct system.

Iowa Sex Offender Registry

All Mount Mercy students and employees are advised of Iowa Code, Section 692A.3A which “provides that a person required to register under the Iowa Sex Offender Registry law who is a full-time or part-time student or is employed on a part-time or full-time basis at an institution of higher education must register with the sheriff of the county in which the institution is located and provide the sheriff with the name of the institution. The person must register with the sheriff within five (5) days of becoming a student or becoming employed at the institution.”

In compliance with the Clery Act, the Mount Mercy community is advised, that the Iowa Sex Offender Registry is available at the website

Additionally, in that the Mount Mercy campus property lies in legal proximity to elementary and middle schools and under provisions of Iowa Code 692A.3A, Mount Mercy will not offer housing nor permit occupancy to those listed on the Iowa Sex Offender Registry.

Any student arrested, charged or convicted or any state or federal law may be subject to immediate housing contract-cancellation, or suspension of Mount Mercy registration.

Emergencies/Crisis Management

For a complete list of procedures and protocols for Mount Mercy University please review the Department of Public Safety website  or contact the Director of Public Safety at 319-363-1323 ext. 1028.

Campus Emergency Situations

  1. In the event of a crisis (weather-related, violence, pandemic flu, etc.) an announcement declaring an emergency will be made via RAVE to the campus. The RAVE program is utilized to distribute information in the following ways*:
    1. Campus email notification system
    2. Text message notification
    3. Voice messages; voice mail messages
    4. Any computer on the network will receive a message on the desk top
    5. Informational monitors throughout campus will display the message
  2. Once an emergency is declared by Mount Mercy, students are expected to comply with all official directives from the institution-designated officers or staff
  3. If students are requested to evacuate the campus, they must do so in an orderly fashion and as directed by Mount Mercy
  4. Students may be requested to gather in specific locations, or to remain in their current locations, and are expected to comply
  5. For their own safety and the well-being of the community, students may be asked to assist with duties not commonly assigned to them, including but not limited to:
    1. general housekeeping duties
    2. general maintenance of facilities
    3. gathering of students and headcounts
    4. assisting fellow students
    5. triage of injuries
  6. The RAVE Emergency Notification System is the official way Mount Mercy will communicate with students in emergency or crisis situations. Student information, including cell phone numbers and home phone numbers that have been provided, and Mount Mercy email addresses are included in the institution’s Emergency Notification System, which will alert students via phone call, voice mail, text message and email to emergency information and instructions in the event of an incident on campus or in the Cedar Rapids area. Students are unable to unsubscribe to this service. All students must register their phone number.  Student’s numbers will only be used for institutional purposes and will not be provided to outside vendors. Additional telephone and email may be included if you choose.

Emergency Injuries and Illnesses

Life-threatening/serious emergencies should be handled by the appropriate professionals – call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cellular phone. Please then notify Public Safety so they may assist emergency personnel to your location. If a student becomes ill or has an injury requiring medical treatment when the Health Services Office is not open, the student should go to Mercy Medical Center, St. Luke’s Hospital, Mercy Care North, or another facility of their choosing. Residential students are asked to notify Residence Life personnel, the Information Desk, or a Public Safety Officer before leaving campus. These offices are also to be notified if the person is admitted to the hospital. Once a residential student is treated and released, that student should notify the Dean of Students on the morning of the next class day.

Information Desk

Identification Cards

Mount Mercy IDs are issued from the Information Desk. All students and employees are expected to obtain an ID card. ID cards are used to check out library books, charge food service and Campus Store items, and for identification purposes. This ID card is also used as the proxy card that grants access to residential housing and academic buildings. Because this card is connected to a student/faculty/staff account, if lost it must be reported immediately so it can be deactivated. Cards cannot be reactivated and a replacement card must be purchased. Cost of a replacement ID card is $15.  Repeated replacement of ID cards will increase the replacement cost.

Locate a Lost Item

The Information Desk stores lost and found articles. Missing items should be reported to the Information Desk. Items will be kept at the Information Desk for 30 days.

Use a Locker

Lockers are available for use and are free of charge. They are located at the tunnel entrance in McAuley Hall. Anyone interested in using a locker can reserve one at the Information Desk. Items left in lockers after the last day of spring finals week will be discarded.

Key Check Out

Students, Faculty, and Staff can check out keys to various locations on campus. Students must be approved by their professor and this approval must be communicated in writing to the Director of Public Safety to be added to the access list. Students must provide contact information and their ID number for the duration of their key check out.

Fleet Vehicles

Mount Mercy University has a fleet of vehicles that are available to be used by Students, Faculty, and Staff conducting Mount Mercy business. These vehicles can be driven by approved drivers that are at least 21 years of age. Approval is given by Mount Mercy University's insurance provider. More information regarding policies and procedures surrounding the Fleet can be found on the Department of Public Safety website.