This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


The chemistry major aims to deepen students’ appreciation for and understanding of the atomic and molecular nature of matter, which informs us about our universe and ourselves to conserve and enhance our world. The chemistry major offers three tracks to the bachelor’s degree: a chemistry track, a biochemistry track, and a forensic science track. All programs provide coursework for students that help them develop the intellectual competence and technical skills necessary in their chosen careers.

Career Opportunities

A chemistry degree is excellent preparation for a wide variety of career goals, such as:

  • Medicine (MD or DO)
  • Dentistry
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Physician’s Assistant (PA)
  • Graduate school in chemistry or chemical engineering
  • Industrial research careers
  • Quality Assurance and Control
  • Formulations chemistry
  • Forensic science/criminal investigations
  • Pharmaceutical, biological, chemical, or technical sales or support
  • Patent and Intellectual Property Law
  • Medical/Clinical laboratory science

See the Graduate section  of this Catalog for more information on Graduate programs offered at Mount Mercy.


Chemistry Track

CH 111General Chemistry I4.5
CH 112General Chemistry II4.5
CH 211Organic Chemistry I4.5
CH 212Organic Chemistry II4.5
CH 251Analytical Chemistry5
CH 302Biochemistry5
CH 370Physical Chemistry4.5
MA 164Calculus I4
PH 151Principles of Physics I4
PH 152Principles of Physics II4
Choose Two: *6-9
Biochemistry II
Instrumental Analysis
Total Hours50.5-53.5

 More electives will be added at a later date. Check with chemistry advisor for most up-to-date offerings.

Biochemistry Track

CH 111General Chemistry I4.5
CH 112General Chemistry II4.5
CH 211Organic Chemistry I4.5
CH 212Organic Chemistry II4.5
CH 251Analytical Chemistry5
CH 302Biochemistry5
CH 303Biochemistry II3
MA 164Calculus I4
BI 125Foundations of Biology & Scientific Inquiry I3
BI 125LBiostatistics and Scientific Investigation I1.5
BI 126Foundations of Biology & Scientific Inquiry II4.5
BI 303Genetics4.5
Choose One: *3-5
Instrumental Analysis
Physical Chemistry
General Microbiology
Cell and Molecular Biology
Total Hours51.5-53.5

 More electives will be added at a later date. Check with chemistry advisor for most up-to-date offerings.

Forensic Science Track

CH 111General Chemistry I4.5
CH 112General Chemistry II4.5
CH 211Organic Chemistry I4.5
CH 212Organic Chemistry II4.5
CH 251Analytical Chemistry5
CH 302Biochemistry5
CJ 101Introduction To Criminal Justice3
CJ 350Trial Evidence3
BI 273Human Anatomy4.5
Choose one set:12.5-13.5
Set A:
Foundations of Biology & Scientific Inquiry I
Biostatistics and Scientific Investigation I
Foundations of Biology & Scientific Inquiry II
Set B:
Principles of Physics I
Principles of Physics II
Physical Chemistry
Total Hours51-52

Academic Requirements

A grade of C or above (C- does not count) in each required course for the major. To count toward the major, required chemistry courses must have been taken within the last five (5) years. Alternatively a student may elect to take standard examinations for specific courses provided by the ACS Division of Chemical Education and pass with a minimum 60% of the total score.

Students planning to pursue teacher education should follow the program guidelines within the Education section of this Catalog and contact an advisor in the education division for assistance.


(30.5-31.5 hours with a minimum of 27.5 semester hours in chemistry courses):

CH 111General Chemistry I4.5
CH 112General Chemistry II4.5
CH 211Organic Chemistry I4.5
CH 212Organic Chemistry II4.5
CH 251Analytical Chemistry5
Select one of the following: 4.5
Instrumental Analysis
Select one of the following: 3
Mathematics Modeling
Calculus I
Total Hours30.5

Academic Requirements

A grade of C or above (C- does not count) in each required course for the minor. To count toward the minor, required chemistry courses must have been taken within the last five (5) years. Alternatively a student may elect to take standard examinations for specific courses provided by the ACS Division of Chemical Education and pass with a minimum 60% of the total score.

Students planning to pursue teacher education should follow the program guidelines within the Education section of this Catalog and contact an advisor in the education division for assistance.


CH 110 Introduction to Chemistry: 3 semester hours

This course is intended to provide an overview of fundamental concepts in chemistry, including: atomic and molecular structure, the nature of chemical bonding, chemical reactions, and stoichiometry, nomenclature, basic knowledge of thermodynamics and equilibrium, acids/bases, basic organic chemical nomenclature and reactivity. This course meets the needs of students not planning to take chemistry courses beyond CH 113. Students with minimal mathematical skills can use CH 110 as a preparatory course for CH 111 General Chemistry I. Students must also register for CH 110L; however, students who have already completed CH 110L with a grade of "C" or better (C- does not count) need not repeat CH 110L Three hours of lecture per week. Typically offered each fall and spring semester.

CH 110L Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory: 1.5 semester hour

This course is designed to accompany CH 110: Introduction to General Chemistry. Students in this course will encounter introductory-level experiments designed to develop hands-on laboratory skills. Topics may include: measurement, the scientific method, acid-base chemistry, colligative properties, chemical synthesis, calorimetry and gas laws. Students must also register for CH 110 (lecture); however, students who have already completed CH 110 with a grade of C or better (C- does not count) need not repeat CH 110.

CH 111 General Chemistry I: 4.5 semester hours

This course is an introduction to the field of chemistry, providing an understanding of the structures of atoms, molecules and ions and their interactions, and a foundation for the further study of chemistry. Three lectures and one three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisite: A Mathematics Pre-Algebra and Elementary Algebra Enhanced ACT subscore of 16 or higher; or a Mathematics score of 16 or higher on the former ACT; or completion of MA 008 with a grade of C or higher.

CH 112 General Chemistry II: 4.5 semester hours

This course is a continuation of CH 111. Topics covered are: chemical kinetics; equilibrium and thermodynamics; acids and bases; electrochemistry; survey of metals, nonmetals, and transition metals; complexes; nuclear chemistry. Three lectures and one three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisite: CH 111.

CH 113 Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry: 4.5 semester hours

This course is designed for nursing and non-science majors. It is a terminal course, not to be used as a prerequisite to further courses in chemistry, except CH 203. The course will focus on basic structure, formulas, nomenclature, and reactions of organic compounds. The fundamental concepts of biochemistry and metabolism of major molecules and their roll in biological processes will be studied. Three lectures and an aditional two-hour lab meets weekly. Prerequisite: high school chemistry.

CH 203 Nutritional Biochemistry: 3 semester hours

This course will focus on the study of nutrients, their metabolic roles and biochemical effects on various tissues and organs of the body; role of the diet in promoting optimal health and performance. Prerequisite: CH 111, CH 112.

CH 207 Inorganic Qualitative Analysis: 3 semester hours

The course emphasizes descriptive inorganic chemistry (properties, structures, and reactions) of common elements and their compounds. Through the process of learning descriptive chemistry in the format of a scheme of analysis in the laboratory, students are challenged to bring to bear their manipulative and observational skills as the basis for identifying substances. Theoretical and practical aspects of qualitative analysis are covered. Prerequisites: CH 111, CH 112.

CH 211 Organic Chemistry I: 4.5 semester hours

This course is an introduction to organic chemistry; an integrated presentation with emphasis on the theoretical aspects and mechanisms of reactions. Detailed discussion of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and stereochemistry. Three lectures and an aditional three-hour lab meet weekly. Prerequisite: CH 111, CH 112.

CH 212 Organic Chemistry II: 4.5 semester hours

This course is a continuation of CH 211. Functional groups discussed in detail. The course will provide an introduction to absorption spectroscopy and qualitative identification of organic compounds; aromatic and heterocyclic compounds; macromolecules. Three lectures and one aditional three-hour lab meet weekly. Prerequisite: CH 111, CH 112, CH 211.

CH 251 Analytical Chemistry: 5 semester hours

Theory and application of basic methods in quantitative analysis: titrimetric, gravimetric, chromatographic, potentiometric, and spectrophotometric determinations. Three lectures and one aditional four-hour lab meet weekly. Prerequisites: CH 111, CH 112, MA 142 or MA 164.

CH 302 Biochemistry: 5 semester hours

This course focuses on the study of life at the molecular level. The course examines chemical reactions in living cells; central metabolic pathways; energy transformations, signal-transduction pathways; transmission of hereditary characteristics; molecular basis of certain diseases and other biological phenomena. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CH 111, CH 112, CH 211, CH 212.

CH 303 Biochemistry II: 3 semester hours

A continuation of CH 302. Topics include metabolism of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids; DNA replication, repair, and recombination; RNA synthesis and processing; protein synthesis; and biochemical functions and concepts including mechanisms of actions, especially those related to normal healthy states to pathologic states. Prerequisites: CH 111, CH 112, CH 211, CH 212, CH 302.

CH 334 Instrumental Analysis: 4.5 semester hours

The course teaches the underlying principles and practical aspects of using modern instruments in chemical analysis. Students will understand the chemistry relevant to sampling, sample preparation, and the chemical processes occurring in each instrument - such as electron transfer, electron emission, light scattering and absorption, gas and liquid phase equilibria. Prerequisites: CH 111, CH 112, CH 211, CH 212, CH 251.

CH 370 Physical Chemistry: 4.5 semester hours

An introduction to physical chemistry. Topics covered include thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum chemistry, molecular structure and spectroscopy. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: CH 111, CH 112, CH 211, CH 212, CH 251, MA 164.