This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Human Resource Management

The human resource management major prepares students for professional positions in leadership, as well as those who are interested in a career in the human resources field. The ability to lead and understand an organization’s human resources is key to success in today’s knowledge based economy. Students will learn to evaluate ethical, social, civic, legal, cultural, and political issues, and how they impact the human resources of an organization. Students will develop effective human resource strategy for innovation in a global environment. Our human resource management major is endorsed by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), based on the guidelines created by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Thirteen major content areas prepare students to lead employees in high performance work practices.

Students in this major develop skills and knowledge that enable them, for example, to: identify and interpret laws affecting labor in the workplace; utilize HR metrics to justify employee programs; and demonstrate an understanding of compensation issues.

See the Graduate section  of this Catalog for more information on Graduate programs offered at Mount Mercy.

Core Business Requirements for all Business majors:

BA 203Principles Of Law3
BA 250Technology & Communication In Business3
BA 270Business Statistics3
BA 379Financial Management3
BA 435Senior Sem - Business3
or BA 436 Applied Business Strategy
BC 265Principles Of Accounting I3
BC 266Principles Of Accounting II3
BN 204Principles Of Management3
BK 208Principles Of Marketing3
EC 251Macroeconomics Principles3
EC 252Microeconomic Principles3
Select one of the following: 3
Finite Mathematics
Basic Mathematical Modeling
Mathematics Modeling
Business Calculus
Calculus I (Required for Actuarial Science Majors)
Total Hours36

Human Resource Management Major (Core business requirements plus 18 additional semester hours)

BN 304Human Resource Management3
BN 380Organizational Behavior3
BN 386Compensation, Benefits, and Evaluations3
BN 392Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management 13
BA 305Employment Law and Labor Relations 13
Select one of the following: 3
Dispute Resolution
Risk Management
Management Information Systems
Project Management
Human Resource Internship
Effective Group Communication
Intercultural Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Introduction to Ethics
Social Psychology
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Diversity in America
Total Hours18

Can NOT double count as electives for the business, management, or marketing majors. Electives in the human resource major can NOT double count for either core curriculum requirements or the management major.

Academic Requirements for the Human Resource Management Major

All human resource management majors must achieve a minimum grade of C- in all courses required for the major (BN 304, BN 392, BN380, BN386, and BN 305). This applies to equivelent courses transferred from other institutions.

Human Resource Management Minor

BN 204Principles Of Management3
BA 203Principles Of Law3
BN 304Human Resource Management3
BN 392Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management 13
BA 310Dispute Resolution 13
BN 380Organizational Behavior3
BN 386Compensation, Benefits, and Evaluations3
BA 305Employment Law and Labor Relations3
Select two of the following: 6
Risk Management
Management Information Systems 1
Project Management
Human Resource Internship
Effective Group Communication
Intercultural Communication 2
Interpersonal Communication
Introduction to Ethics
Social Psychology
Industrial/Organizational Psychology 1
Diversity in America 2
Total Hours30

 Can NOT double count as the electives for business, management, or marketing majors.


 Can NOT double count for a core curriculum requirement.


BN 204 Principles Of Management: 3 semester hours

This course includes a systematic examination of the following four functions and processes within an enterprise: Planning - development of objectives and plans; Organizing - structuring work relationships; Leading - activating coordinated efforts; Controlling - measuring progress and taking corrective action. The course emphasizes an overall framework for effective integration of the distinct processes.

BN 230 Foundations of Servant Leadership: 3 semester hours

Foundations of Servant Leadership will introduce students to the concept of Servant Leadership as originally described by Robert Greenleaf in his seminal work, The Servant as Leader (1970). Servant Leadership begins with an altruistic calling, and while along the path of self-discovery, a conscious choice to lead others in order to achieve results by bringing out the best in people to contribute to the greater good of our society with their time, talent and treasure. Servant Leadership is an emergent leadership style that has spawned academic research and inspired practical application across industry to improve organizations and communities. Students will begin to examine current Servant Leadership literature, explore their own leadership values/style and engage with the Critical Concerns outlined by the Sisters of Mercy. Students will participate in service, followed by service learning which will lead to Servant Leadership.

BN 304 Human Resource Management: 3 semester hours

This course includes a study of the place and function of the human resource management department in business and industry. Topics include equal opportunity programs, employment planning, recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, and compensation. Also included are training/development, safety/health and work scheduling. Prerequisite BN 204.

BN 340 Management Information Systems: 3 semester hours

This course addresses the ongoing process of gathering, storing, and retrieving the information that managers need to make immediate business decisions and to prepare long-term business plans. The concepts learned in this course apply to may functional areas including finance, marketing, manufacturing, production, and human resources. Topics include operational, tactical, and strategic decision making as well as design, analysis, and implementation of management information systems. Prerequisites BN 204 and BA 250.

BN 350 International Management: 3 semester hours

Organizations today are competing in a global marketplace that poses new challenges for managers. It is crucial that students of management be knowledgeable about the international dimensions that affect al businesses. This course will study the development of appropriate strategies for multinational companies. The environment and cultural context for international management will be examined along with worldwide developments. Prerequisites: BN 204 and Junior standing or approval of instructor.

BN 360 Business & Society: 3 semester hours

Business exists and business people work in and environment that includes relationships with other institutions such as government , public interest groups, and unions as well as with the individuals who are customers, workers, and fellow citizens. In this course these relationships and responsibilities to society as a whole and individual ethics are explored. Prerequisites: BN 204 and EC 251.

BN 364 Production & Operations Management: 3 semester hours

This course will provide students with and introduction to the field of production and operations management. It will cover both manufacturing and service organizations with a balanced overview of quantitative and qualitative material. Particular emphasis will be placed on the subject of quality and its impact on the competitive position of goods and services in the domestic and world markets. Prerequisites BA 270 and BN 204.

BN 370 Advanced Topics in Management Information Systems: 3 semester hours

This course is an advanced study of contemporary and emerging management information systems issues. Students will examine and focus on the strategic impact and competitive advantage of information technologies on the business (for profit and nonprofit) environment. Students will develop a firm understanding of the strategic, tactical, technical and management issues surrounding both consumer e-commerce and business-to-business systems, and explore emerging issues related to supply chain management, business process reengineering, enterprise resource planning, and internet privacy and security. Prerequisite: BN 340.

BN 377 Project Management: 3 semester hours

This course is an introductory study of contemporary project management practices and issues designed for juniors or seniors. Students will examine the strategic value and competitive advantage of project management in the business environment. Students will gain a first-hand understanding of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing out a project. Students will develop an understanding of the strategic, tactical, technical and management issues of project management. Emerging issues related to critical chain scheduling, parametric cost estimation, and PM licensure are also reviewed. Lectures will be derived from Project Management Institute's (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK1) and the assigned textbook. Prerequisites: BN 204 and BA 250.

BN 380 Organizational Behavior: 3 semester hours

This course examines human behavior in the work environment at the individual and group levels. Emphasis areas include: group behavior/dynamics, theories for motivation, leadership, decision making process, corporate culture, organizational behavior in the global setting and values and attitudes affecting work behavior. Prerequisites: BN 204 and junior standing.

BN 382 Corporate Social Responsibility: 3 semester hours

In this course students will examine concepts of the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) and corporate social responsibility. Students will explore the fundamental psychological, cultural, ethical, and economic sustainability issues affecting an increasingly broad range of global stakeholders. Students will study how and why leaders deploy sustainability efforts such as sustainable innovation, making work life sustainable for the workforce, engaging to solve local and global sustainability challenges, and responding to global issues relating to outsourcing, poverty, and human rights. Topics will include how companies are using supply chain and quality management, capacity planning and forecasting, as well as systems thinking to make significant gains; and how communities are responding to the increasing concerns about sustainability through programs like Blue Zones, regulation, and a push toward localization. Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing.

BN 384 Strategic Management: 3 semester hours

This course includes a study and application of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and control of corporate strategies. Lecture, discussion, and case analysis will be used in applying the strategic management concepts. Prerequisites: BA 250, BN 204, BK 208, BA 379, and junior standing.

BN 386 Compensation, Benefits, and Evaluations: 3 semester hours

This course covers the fundamental concepts of compensation theory and application related to hiring, growing, and retaining organizational talent. Other areas of focus include government, legal, and union influences; job analysis and evaluation, building and maintaining compensation and benefit structures, and effectively evaluating employee performance. Students will gain an understanding of how to assess reward systems for equity and cost effectiveness; as well as how to access and diagnose compensation management issues and develop appropriate solutions. Prerequisites: BN 204 and BN 304.

BN 392 Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management: 3 semester hours

This course is an advance topics study of contemporary HRM practices and issues designed for juniors or seniors. Students will examine the strategic value and competitive advantage of HRM in the business environment. Students will gain a first-hand understanding of the assumption that all managers are accountable to their organizations in terms of the impact of their HRM activities, and they are expected to add value by leading their employees ethically and effectively. This course includes hands-on application of the learning theories, principles, and methods involved in all phases of employment in an increasingly knowledge-based and global work environment. Topic focus will include the best people-centered practices of high performing organizations, the personal and cultural implications of mergers and acquisitions, and how to develop sustainable workforce practices for the future. Prerequisites: BN 204 and BN 304.

BN 424 Management Internship: 3 semester hours

Students may take advantage of internship opportunities that become available in the area of management. These internships include off-campus supervision at local establishments and periodic conferences with the on-campus instructor. The on-campus instructor will determine any further requirements on an individual basis. (Maximum of one semester credit for each three hours per week for a semester spent at an outside agency up to a maximum of six semester hours).

BN 425 Human Resource Internship: 3 semester hours

Students may take advantage of internship opportunities in the area of Human Resource. These internships include periodic conferences with the instructor. The instructor will require that students submit a paper summarizing their activities as well as their learning outcomes upon completion of the internship experience. (Maximum of 1 semester hour of credit for each 40 hours worked up to a maximum of 6 semester hours).